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We love independent payroll providers

IPPA members, TPG members and other small independent payroll providers are our favorite businesses.  You know each client is unique so you work hard and provide top-notch service for a fair price. That's how we feel and how we run our business.

Most data integration platforms focusing on payroll and HR fight over the big boys (ADP, Paychex, Ceridian, etc..) or the next tier of "national" providers (Paylocity, Paycor, Paycom, etc...).


They slap the ADP or Paychex logo on their website like a badge of honor showing their superiority. They create marketing messages "using" the big name and take great pride being listed in the "app marketplaces" provided by these large payroll companies.

But that's not us.


We want to work with companies like us: small, nimble, problem solvers and most importantly backed but unparalleled customer service.

We want to work with those who say the "big guys" are their best referral source.


For the last 20 years, members of our team have partnered with "independents" providing best in class integrated solutions solving the needs of hundreds of thousands of small businesses across the country. We understand you want to give your customers choices. You don't want to lock them into a benefit program that doesn't suit their need. 

If a customer wants to use Principal or John Hancock or Vestwell, so be it. They shouldn't be limited to just a single retirement provider.

If your customer really loves a stand-alone time and attendance solution, so be it. You want to support them and find ways to reduce duplicate data entry and manual tasks.

We're here to support you on that mission. 


We're not here to create a massive data warehouse with all this "anonymized" employee data. We're here to provide integration solutions that you need to give your customers a seamless experience for all their payroll/hr/hcm needs.

We also know you don't have the tech expertise or in-house experience to do this all on your own.

Working with detamoov not only gives you a innovative no-code integration platform, but also an "integration team" that's been in this payroll industry for years. We know the ins and outs of payroll. We know that payrolls often get reprocessed and you don't want to duplicate data sent to third parties. We know what control totals are, what certified payroll means, how you have certain end of day, quarter and year processes, etc...

With detamoov, you get the platform plus our industry expertise...we become an extension of your team ensuring your clients get the best possible experience.

So let's partner up. Extend your team and offering with detamoov.


Book a demo or email me directly at with any questions or to discuss a specific integration you need.


-Rick Hymanson




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