Integration projects are unique because you have multiple stakeholders to satisfy. You have a minimum of two parties that require data exchange and each may have their own "language" they speak.
Their own language as it relates to technology. For example, API vs. SFTP vs. what else they may have available. If API, what authentication do they use: Basic, OAUTH, etc... Are they using a REST or SOAP protocol?
Their own language as it relates to formatting. For example, what date format do they use: mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd or dd-mm-yyyyy? How many decimal points do they support on decimals? etc...
Their own language as it relates to what specific data elements mean and are required. For example, are "status" fields lookup values or free form? Are they capturing full middle names or just middle initials? etc...
So there's more to think about with integration projects and it's why many shy away from them and feel their taboo. Fortunately we don't feel that way at detamoov. We feel there's tremendous value in providing an integration solution that benefits all parties involved. With an integration, the integrating parties may be able to increase referral business or provide a comprehensive best in breed solution unmatched in the industry which gives customers a true competitive advantage.
For any integration project, it's important to have a framework you follow ensuring you are diligent in your analysis of how to achieve your desired outcome. Today we're introducing the five steps to creating your own integration project framework.

Project overview - understand integration requirements, specifically which use cases need to be satisfied
Data security - ensure the integrity and security of any data transmitted along with compliance with any legal statutes
Build vs. buy - identify all cheap, fast, good, maintainable implementation options
Cost analysis - understand the related financial impact, including opportunity costs
Key success metrics - create key success metrics which are measurable